
Life Sciences


The Life Sciences degree prepares students for high-demand science-related careers in three years. In addition, this path will enable students to spend their fourth year in the educational program or move directly into the workforce.

The teaching path incorporates a unique partnership with the School City of Hammond, to assist with placement within the Hammond School System during the fourth year of the program. You will also receive full support in the final year of the program to become fully licensed to teach within the State of Indiana.

The medical path offers career opportunities such as nursing, lab settings and graduate studies in the life sciences (e.g., biology, cell biology, biochemistry, etc.).

In the Life Sciences Program, you will:

  • Advance your scientific knowledge and critical thinking skills
  • Hone your research skills and problem-solving ability
  • Develop specific expertise in areas of sample preparation, data analysis, scientific calculations and more
  • Have the opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in three years

The program requires year-round coursework including summers. It is ideal for determined students with big plans.

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Career Options with this major include, but are not limited to work as:

  • a life science instructor at high school or middle school.
  • a laboratory scientist at cosmetic labs.
  • a laboratory scientist at food labs.
  • a laboratory scientist at pharmaceutical labs.

In addition, students may pursue Life Sciences to prepare for graduate school, nursing school, or medical school.



Ahmed Lakhani, Ph.D.

Associate Professor; Program Director, Biomedical Science and Mathematics

Tracy Stone, Ed.D.

Instructor, Kinesiology and Exercise & Sport Science; Program Director, Kinesiology; Director, General Education


Objectives and requirements

121 credit hours

The 3+1 Life Sciences program requires students closely adhere to the following plan of study:

Scientific Knowledge and Critical Thinking:
  • Students will demonstrate a level of competency for understanding core principles.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to locate and critically evaluate scientific information.
Research Skills and Problem Solving Ability:
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to design studies to test the biological and chemical hypothesis.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to learn independently and to critically evaluate the significance of research results.
  • Specific Expertise: Students will develop and justify a range of sample preparation, data analysis, various scientific calculations (enzyme kinetics, molarity, stoichiometry).
  • Students will be able to validate techniques of analytical balances, autoclave, UV/Vis spectrometer, IR spectrometer, gel electrophoresis, simple and fractional distillation, PCR, DNA extraction, titrations, pH analysis and normalization.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate the results of scientific research verbally and in writing.
Ethics and Advocacy:
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to design studies that meet professional ethical standards.
  • Students will demonstrate an awareness of the relevance of biological and chemical knowledge to human health and welfare.

First Year – Freshman (Core)

Fall Semester
  • EWPC 103 – English Composition
  • GENL 100 – College Survival
  • HUM 110 – Foundations of Western Culture
  • THEO 110 – Social Justice
  • BIOL 115 / 115L – Cell and Evolution / Lab
  • SCIE 102 / 102L – General Science / Lab
Spring Semester
  • Humanities General Education Requirement
  • EWPC 150 – Public Speaking
  • GEOL 110 / 110L – Earth and Space Science
  • BIOL 205 / 205L – Plants, Animals, and Ecosystem
  • MATH 104 – Algebra and Trigonometry (if not placed into MATH 104, take prerequisite MATH 103 first)

First Year – Freshman

Fall Semester – Summer 1 (Freshman)
  • PSY 100 – Intro to Psychology
    Spring Semester – Summer 2 (Freshman)
    EDUC 200 – Conceptual Course

Second Year – Sophomore (Core)

Fall Semester
  • MATH 171 – Principles of Statistics
  • SOCL 210 – General Sociology
  • CHEM 200 / 200L – General and Analytical Chemistry I / Lab
  • EDUC 391 – Human Diversity in Education
  • BIOL 230 / 230L – Microbology / Lab
Spring Semester
  • EWPC 204 – Academic Reading and Writing II
  • CHEM 143 / 143L – Nutrition / Lab
  • CHEM 205 / 205L – General and Analytical Chemistry II / Lab
  • EDUC 405 – Children’s Literature
  • MATH 110 – Finite Math

Second Year – Sophomore

Fall Semester – Summer 1 (Sophomore)
  • PHIL 200 – Great Philosophical Ideas
  • Social Sciences General Education Requirement
Spring Semester – Summer 2 (Sophomore)
  • EDUC 481 – Development Reading and Instruction
  • Humanities General Education Requirement

Third Year – Junior

Fall Semester
  • THEO 230 – Theological Foundations
  • MATH 148 – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I
  • BIOL 300 / 300L – Human Anatomy and Physiology I / Lab
  • CHEM 320 / 320L – Biochemistry / Lab
  • HUM 499 – Integrative Project
Spring Semester
  • MATH 149 – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II
  • BIOL 305 / 305L – Human Anatomy and Physiology II / Lab
  • BIOL 315 / 315L – Mendelian and Molecular Genetics / Lab
  • EDUC 499 – Senior Seminar in Education
  • Humanities General Education or Social Sciences General Education Requirement

General Education Requirements

Math General Education Requirement

Picked from the following:

  • MATH 104 – Algebra and Trigonometry
  • MATH 110 – Finite Math
  • MATH 171 – Principles of Statistics
Social Science General Education Requirement

Picked from the following:

  • PSY 100 – Intro to Psychology
  • PLSC 220 – American Political Systems
  • SOCL 210 – General Sociology
  • HIST 110 – American Civilization
  • HIST 115 – Western Civilization
  • HIST 120 – World Civilization
  • ECON 160 – Economic Theory & Personal Finance
Humanities General Education Requirement

Picked from the following:

  • ARTS 100 – Intro to Performing Arts
  • ARTS 120 – Digital Photography
  • ARTS 140 – Intro to Graphic Design
  • ARTS 160 – Drawing I
  • ARTS 170 – Intro to Visual Arts
  • EWPC 111 – The Literary Experience
  • PHIL 200 – Great Philosophical Ideas

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