To: CCSJ Students, Faculty and Staff
This afternoon, CCSJ was alerted by self-disclosure that member of our community has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19). This individual was last at work on Tuesday, March 17. Please join us in keeping this individual in our thoughts and prayers and in wishing them well for a full recovery.
Those who have had close contact with the individual have been notified of the potential exposure. It’s important to reinforce that we have a responsibility to maintain the privacy of this individual. Thank you in advance for helping us honor our obligation to maintaining this privacy while fulfilling our commitment to keep the campus community informed.
Given the spread of the virus, it was only a matter of time before our campus community would be more directly affected by COVID-19, which is why we’ve taken steps over the past several days and weeks to prioritize the health and wellbeing of our students, faculty and staff, as well as the broader community. Please continue to take appropriate precautions to keep yourself and your family well. Practice social distancing, wash hands often, and disinfect frequently touch surfaces daily (including phones, tables, door handles, and keyboards). More information on how to protect yourself can be found on the Centers for Disease Control website.
We encourage everyone in our campus community to continue caring for each other during these trying times.