CCSJ Bookstore
CCSJ utilizes a textbook rental program to ensure students receive required course materials in a timely manner for one rental fee. No ordering, no book vouchers; just pick up books at a single distribution point the week before classes begin!
Books for graduate-level courses are shipped directly to the student’s address of record in advance of the semester start. Every student will have the right course materials by the first day of class, and every student will have the same texts – no delays while everyone orders books; no problems finding information.
There are many benefits to renting textbooks:
- In most cases, the semester book rental fee is less expensive than individual textbook purchases
- The book rental fee is usually covered by financial aid
- Students may elect to keep rental books for purchase at half the retail cost
- Convenient drop off returns at the end of the semester
- Course drops/adds resulting in additional book rentals are handled automatically, although an additional fee may apply

Textbook Rental Program
For Traditional Student courses, the return deadline is 5:00 pm, Monday, May 12, 2025 to the CCSJ Library Circulation Desk.
For Graduate/Accelerated Student courses, the return deadline is 5:00 pm, Monday May 12, 2025 to the CCSJ Library Circulation Desk. If returning via UPS, books must be scanned into the UPS system at your local UPS store by noon, Thursday, May 15, 2025.
If you require your texts beyond these deadlines to complete a course or an incomplete in a course, you must contact Library Director David Harnish at prior to the return deadline for your texts to request an extension. Otherwise, you will be subject to non-return fees.
If you are enrolled in a graduate or accelerated course, your texts may have different due dates due to nonstandard start and end times. Please check your eCampus account for those deadlines or contact the library for assistance.
***Failure to return texts by published deadlines will result in your student account being charged non-return fees by eCampus***
- Required textbooks automatically ordered
- Rental fee billed directly to student account
- Books shipped directly to Specker Library for convenient pick-up
- Email notification sent to student when book package received and ready for pick-up
- Additional books for class adds automatically ordered
- Easy book return to Specker Library at end of semester
- Required textbooks automatically ordered
- Rental fee billed directly to student account
- Books shipped directly to student address on record (in most cases)
- Additional books for class adds automatically ordered
- Easy book return via prepaid UPS shipping –or– return to Specker Library, whichever is most convenient
Frequently Asked Questions
To access you rental book account with eCampus you must follow these steps. You cannot create your own account using your personal email, it must be your CCSJ email.
Rental Returns for Accelerated or Graduate students.
- Use Google Chrome
- Go to
- Login to your SSO (single sign on) Wave Portal account
- Click on the “eCampus” tile that appears on your “My Apps” page
- Click on “Manage My Rentals/Returns”
- To return via UPS, click the middle bar, “Return at End of Term”
- You will see a list of books you need to return. Check the box after each book you are returning
- Click on the “Print Label and Return” button. A prepaid shipping label will print
- Put the packing slip in your box with the books, attach the label to the outside of the box and take it to a UPS location by the return deadline
Participation in the CCSJ textbook rental program is mandatory. The book fee is required of every registered student so CCSJ can ensure that all students have the required materials they need to be successful on day 1 of each semester.
The textbook rental fees can be found on the Tuition and Fee Schedule.
Textbook pickup for traditional students will usually begin one week prior to the beginning of classes. All pick-ups and drop-offs take place at the Specker Library circulation desk during regular library hours. Graduate and Accelerated students will have their books delivered directly to their home address officially on record. Please make sure your address is current. You can check your mailing address by accessing your eCampus account through the Wave Portal at Please forward any address changes to the Registrar’s Office via email at
Traditional students
If you drop a course, you need to return any textbooks for that course to the library circulation desk within 7 days of dropping the course. If you add a course you will pick up the new textbook(s) approximately 3 to 5 business days after registering for the class in the library at the library circulation desk. Students will receive an email once textbooks are received and ready for pick-up.
Accelerated or Graduate students
If you drop a course, you need to return any textbooks for that course to the library circulation desk or to the rental company via a pre-paid UPS shipping label. You must return the textbooks from the dropped course within 7 days of dropping the course. You can print a pre-paid UPS shipping label from your account. If you add a course, your new textbook(s) will be sent to you though an additional fee may apply. See the first FAQ for steps to complete a return using UPS.
Students may elect to keep any rental book they receive. A charge of 50% of the publisher’s list price will be billed to the student account for each non-returned rental book.
Please treat rental books like any other valuable item as it is the students’ responsibility to return all books in good condition at the end of each semester. A charge of 50% of the publisher’s list price will be billed to the student account for each non-returned rental book.
All book fees including up-charges for books kept, lost or stolen will be billed to the student account.
All rental books must be returned by the specified deadlines to avoid incurring additional fees. Traditional Students will return their books to the library circulation desk. Graduate and Accelerated students can print a pre-paid return label by accessing their eCampus account through the Wave Portal at Books will be shipped back via UPS using the provided label or return them to the library circulation desk during regular library hours.
Students who have a documented print disability may request a copy of their textbooks in alternative format.
Please contact Disability Services at to obtain details about this process. Alternate formats include e-text, audio, large print, Braille, or other formats. Requesting textbooks in an alternate format can sometimes be a lengthy process. Please be aware that although some texts can be acquired quickly, the process can take up to three weeks, so do not delay in submitting your request.
Requests to keep a textbook beyond the return date are handled on a case by case basis. Please email the bookstore manager at with your request prior to the return deadline. Additional rental fee charges may apply.
The completion of registration triggers the textbook ordering process. The textbook rental fees are attached to registration and therefore cannot be waived. Unclaimed textbooks will be returned to the vendor during the second half of the semester.
CCSJ has a contractual agreement with the vendor requiring books to be returned within 7 calendar days after the semester ends. The college cannot override this deadline.
Students may return their books late if they wish to donate them to the library for other students that might lose or damage their own books. Students will be assessed a non-return fee which will be applied directly to the student account.
Congratulations on your accomplishment! End-of-semester book returns for completers are managed just the same as regular book returns. As an added convenience to all students, returns may be sent back directly to the vendor by accessing the eCampus account and printing a prepaid UPS return label (see first FAQ above). Please return materials in a timely manner in advance of the posted return deadlines to avoid additional fees. As a reminder, student acounts with unpaid balances at the time of degree completion risk the withholding of transcripts and/or diploma.
eCampus will not assess an additional fee for textbooks returned within 7 days of a class drop. Textbook rental fees are part of a book package which means that a singular book return will likely not affect the semester book rental fee. Schedule changes may result in the charging of other fees, however. Students are encouraged to discuss the implication of course drops and the associated fees for these transactions with their advisor.
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