A Free Camp for High School Students
Dates: July 25-29, 2022
Times: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
We invite creative and passionate high school students to join Calumet College of St. Joseph’s TEKTON Summer Media Camp.
At the half-day camp, you’ll make new friends, build leadership skills, and learn the basics of storytelling and making from professors and professionals in the film and media industries.
You’ll study the origins of the “hero’s journey,” a storytelling archetype found in ancient myth and modern movies including the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You’ll also be trained in image-making with Adobe Photoshop, learning essential graphic design principles, and application-specific skills in order to design your own “Hero Poster” celebrating a character of “substance and light.”
We are specifically recruiting students with a passion for Film, Content Creation, Theater, Technology, Gaming, and Creative Writing.
No previous Adobe experience is necessary.
Questions? Contact:
Program Director: Tyler Bush, M.A., MFA
(312) 420-7410
Register or Request More Information
Complete the form below to register for camp or request more information.
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