The Catholic Intellectual Tradition
Theology & Philosophy
Within Christian and Catholic contexts, theology is often defined as a scholarly investigation into the “study of God,” whereby the nexus of faith and reason combine for the potential of personal and communal transformation. Calumet College students register for two theology courses before they graduate. As a Catholic college in the tradition of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, we believe these two courses are important for forming students in our mission.
Theology courses enjoy a spirit of curiosity and dialogue. Students of all faith commitments are welcome and appreciated.
Details And Features
The first course is Social Justice and the second is Search for Ultimate Meaning.
THEO 110 Social Justice
In this course, students explore and analyze social justice issues, and then suggest positive action for social change. The foundation is experiential service-learning in dialogue with Scripture, Catholic Social Teaching, and great thinkers of the twentieth century who engage religion and social justice. College-level skills are emphasized. This course must be taken in the student’s first semester at the College.
THEO 230 Search for Ultimate Meaning
Calumet College of St. Joseph’s General Education Program culminates in The Search for Ultimate Meaning. In this course, students gain a broad overview of the academic study of Christian theology and its articulation within the Catholic tradition. Topics include the human search for meaning, human nature and human destiny, the nature of God, faith and reason, divine revelation, biblical interpretation, the person of Jesus Christ and the Trinity, worship, theology of Church, and sacramental spirituality for a post-modern world. This capstone experience serves two purposes: first, it provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate proficiency with respect to the six learning objectives associated with the College’s General Education Program; and second, it encourages individual development with respect to the “five pillars” that define an undergraduate education at Calumet College of St. Joseph. The Search for Ultimate Meaning focuses on the spiritual life and empowers students of diverse religious identities to discover and to live out their own beliefs more fully.