Join us for a special event
In honor of Women’s History Month, President Amy McCormack will hold a panel discussion on “Women Providing Healing, Promoting Health” with special guests Liz Guzman, Kerry Knowles and Jackie Primos. All are welcome to attend.
Event Details
Wednesday, March 23
3:00 P.M.
In-person at the Black Box
Virtually by Zoom
Liz Guzman
Liz is well known to all of us. She has spent the last 30 years engaged in efforts to support social work. Whether in leading education or coordinating linkage of care for key demographics, she continues to show her exceptional insight and capacity to lead key strategic initiatives. This commitment has led to designation as a Court Appointed Special Advocate for Abused & Neglected Children, Fostering Success Coach to mentor newly transitioning students from Foster Care, and involvement in numerous organizations and task forces that drive positive public policy. She is Program Director for the Human Services Department at Calumet College of St. Joseph.
Kerry Knowles
Kerry Knowles is also well known to the College Family. She is a mental health therapist with Crown Counseling Services who has office hours here on campus. She is also a master reiki practitioner, writer, international life coach instructor with JRNI, a Los Angeles-based organization. She believes in meeting people where they are with a client-centered holistic approach to wellness. Kerry is trauma-informed, rooted in positive psychology, and specializes in depression, anxiety, trauma, emotional mastery and the art of joyful living.
Jackie Primos
Jackie Primos is a Wellness Practitioner with 16 years of experience. She helps individuals take responsibility for their health through education, coaching, and effective therapies. Over her career, she has provided bodywork as targeted treatments for detoxification, weight loss, pain management and stress reduction. Jackie is a certified Health Coach through Integrative Nutrition, Pelvic Steam facilitator, Cryo therapist, and Zyto Scan diagnostic technology practitioner.
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